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Workshop On Using Plant Extracts in Aquaculture

The project entitled “Natural bio-active plant products for environmental friendly aquaculture production in the Mekong, Delta”, have been running since middle of 2015 under coordination of University of Namur, Université de Liège, Université catholique de Louvain and Can Tho University.

After two years, the workshop Using Plant Extracts in Aquaculture was hold on  25 January 2018 at College of Aquaculture and Fisheries, Can Tho University in order to disseminate the research outcomes to over 50 participants including farmers, feed manufacturers, processing plants, chemical producers, provincial aquaculture departments and Can Tho news. 

The project entitled “Natural bio-active plant products for environmental friendly aquaculture production in the Mekong, Delta”, have been running since middle of 2015 under coordination of University of Namur, Université de Liège, Université catholique de Louvain and Can Tho University.

After two years, the workshop Using Plant Extracts in Aquaculture was hold on  25 January 2018 at College of Aquaculture and Fisheries, Can Tho University in order to disseminate the research outcomes to over 50 participants including farmers, feed manufacturers, processing plants, chemical producers, provincial aquaculture departments and Can Tho news.  

Prof. Nguyễn Thanh Phương, coordinator of the project in Vietnam, presented the overview and objectives of the project. Two PhD candidates and one researcher presented the outcomes of the projects such as selection of plant extraction overview, antioxidation and antimicrobial properties of common plant extracts, the application of plant extracts in striped catfish fillet under cold storage, and the effects of plant extract on striped catfish immunology through cell culture evaluation. 


During the discussion, participants from provincial aquaculture departments, farmers, chemical producers queried about the large-scale application in grow-out farm, especially for striped catfish fingerlings. The modes of application were also discussed e.g. dilution of the plant extracts and spraying into the pond water. Moreover, raw materials for mass production of plant extracts become concerned in case on-farm application. And again, cost of using plant extracts would be taken into consideration.

The project team responded to the participants and recorded the issues. We also confirmed that the use of plant extract would be great benefits in production of safety products and strengthening the environmental friendly aquaculture production in the Mekong, Delta, Vietnam.