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University of Namur- Research Unit in Environmental and Evolutionary Biology (UNamur-URBE)


Prof. Patrick Kestemont, project coordinator

Since more than 25 years, the research unit URBE conducts interuniversity research and development project with institutions from Africa and South-East Asia in the field of sustainable management and production of aquatic systems. In the framework of the present proposal, URBE will provide the academic and scientific environment in the field of fish physiology, immunology and toxicology as well as the technical and analytical support for achieving successfully the project objectives. This includes the supervision of a PhD student and the training of Vietnamese staff, either in Belgium or in Vietnam. Among the staff of URBE, Dr Robert Mandiki (fish physiology) and Dr Jessica Douxfils (fish immunology, proteomics) will help the Belgian coordinator in the scientific supervision of the researchers from Can Tho University. MsEnoraFlamion (biochemist technician)  andMr André Evrard (aquaculture technician) will provide the technical support. Financial management will be done by Mr Yves Mine.

Analytical equipment in support to the project includes in vitro culture laboratory, type-II security laboratory for bacterial challenge on animals, molecular biology equipment (Q-PCR, 16-capillary sequencer, proteomics) and biochemistry laboratory (enzymatic analyses, ELISA, …) as well as wet laboratory for in vivo experimentation with fish.