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Université de Liège-Département des sciences des denréesalimentaires (ULG-DDA)


Prof. Marie-Louise Scippo

The department of food sciences (in French, Département des sciences des denréesalimentaires, DDA) is active in several sectors of food safety, including food microbiology (Dir. Prof. Georges Daube), food technology (Dir. Prof. Antoine Clinquart) and food analysis (chemical safety) (Dir. Prof. Marie-Louise Scippo). The laboratory of food analysis has developed several analytical methods to monitor chemical contaminants in feed and food, such as PCBs and dioxins, PAHs, antibiotics, pesticides, etc., but also to monitor degradation products of proteins (biogenic amines) and fatty acids (aldehydes). Caroline Douny (a chemist) and François Brose (a chemist technician), from the laboratory of food analysis, will participate to the supervision of PhD students. The in vitro assays to test for antimicrobial activity of plant extracts will be under the supervision of Antoine Clinquart, who already has an expertise in this field, and the determination of bacterial contaminants in fish will done under the supervision of Georges Daube.

Analytical equipment: UPLC-DAD-FLS ; GC-MS ; LC-MS. Equipment for food technology and microbiology.