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Can Tho University - College of Aquaculture and Fisheries (CTU-CAF)

Prof. Nguyen Thanh Phuong, project coordinator, Vietnamese side

The College of Aquaculture & Fisheries (CAF) of Can Tho University is known widely for its research and education in the areas of aquaculture and fisheries. CAF is playing a vital role in providing education, research and services for sustainable development of aquaculture and fisheries in Viet Nam. Major strong areas of CAF are fish seed production and farming, nutrition, physiology and toxicology, diseases, aquatic environment, socio-economic aspects of aquaculture production systems,… CAF has a good expertise in the mentioned areas. CAF has implemented different national and international funded projects on fish physiology, disease, nutrition, environment, sustainability and socio-economics of various production systems such as catfish, shrimp, rice-cum-fish/shrimp, etc. such as Deltaquasafe project funded by CUD (Belgium), PhysCam and iAQUA funded by DANIDA (Denmark), SEAT and ASEM (EU projects),… CAF has more than 25 years of continuous collaboration with Belgium universities such as Ghent University, Namur University, Liege University,… in which, the collaboration with Namur University is strong in the areas of fish physiology, toxicology, and immunology. CAF’s laboratories have been up-graded by various projects and are able to support most of the project activities, especially the equipment purchased from the Deltaquasafe project is still in good operational conditions for this proposed project. For the activities of the project, Dr. Bui Thi Bich Hang (immunologist) will supervise PhD student working on fish immunology; Ass. Prof. Dr. Do Thi Thanh Huong (physiologist and toxicologist) will supervise PhD working on resistance of fish to environmental stressors and the tests in fish farms. In addition, Dr. Tran Minh Phu, Dr. Vo Nam Son and Mr. Huynh Van Hien will be responsible the socio-economic field survey and the analysis of the feasibility of the selected options for the alternative use of extracts.

PhD student: Nguyen Le Anh Dao