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Result 4: Knowledge and recommendations on the use of plant extracts are disseminated to relevant stakeholders.

Activity R4-A1: Communication mechanisms
PR: CTU-CAF:     
PI: all
Timing: Month 1-60

Description: Development of procedures and mechanisms for permanent or regular information of stakeholders on research perspectives and outcomes: creation of a project web-site, regular newsletter and seminar in Vietnamese, setting of an advisory committee composed of research partners, representatives of fish farmer associations, fish feed companies, plant extract producers, government authorities such as selected provincial fisheries and aquaculture agencies, aquaculture department of national fisheries directorate,…  

Activity R4-A2: Dissemination of specific results to users
PR: CTU-CAF:     
PI: all
Timing: Month 25-60

Description: Identification of key stakeholders, messages and communication tools for the next step leading to the use of plant extracts (plant extract producers, fish feed producers, extension services, others) and deliver the messages. The regular newsletter, mid-term technical workshop/seminar in English/Vietnamese, on-farm trials and demonstration, training courses for technicians and farmers, introduction of project outcomes at regional and national meeting/workshop,… (for examples, Mekong delta regional workshop on aquaculture and fisheries organized by Can Tho university bi-yearly, annual national aquaculture and fisheries conference organized rotationally by Viet Nam Fisheries Institions Network – ViFINET,…),…

Activity R4-A3: Scientific communication
PR: CTU-CAF:     
PI: all
Timing: Month 25-60

Description:Dissemination of project results to the scientific community, including Vietnamese and international universities and research centers, as well as scientists working in ministries and private companies, will be donethrough scientific publications, regular participation to national and international conferences and organization of a final international conference in Can Tho University. Regular scientific meetings and exchanges of technical knowledge will be established with the department of aquaculture of the Faculty of Animal Sciences and Aquaculture (Hanoi Agriculture University, Ass. Prof. Nang Thu), the University of Hue, Nha Trang University, Aquaculture Research Institutes (RIA1, RIA2) (ongoing VLIR-network project),Viet Nam Fisheries Institutions Network (ViFINET) in order to increase the synergies and networking between scientists involved in closely related research domains. In addition, project results will be exchanged with ASEAN-FEN (ASEAN-Fisheries Education Network) at its International Fisheries Symposium (IFS) organized yearly by network members.